Agrochemical laboratory

The main area of expertise of the agrochemical laboratory at ROMB Ltd. Includes the following: 

  • Development and testing of preparations for plant-growing (Hydroponic fertilizers – organic and non-organic, Growth stimulators and antistress agents, Bio pesticides, Rooting products, Seed treatment products, Organic farming products)
  • Development and testing of raw materials (Humic and fulvic acids, leonardite, Plant and algal extracts, enzymes, Vitamins, amino acids, phytohormones, Chelates, nanosubstances, guano, zeolites, etc.)
  • Optimization of plant nutritionand application of plant fertilizers – Vegetative experiments with indicatory plants to examine the influence of plant products (Pot tests – in growth rooms and greenhouses, Field tests, Micro vegetative tests)

Assessment and reclamation of damaged soils, improvement of soil fertility